Sunday 13 November 2011

Skyrim Keybinds. Yes, Skyrim does infact have keybinds.

Skyrim Keybinds.

The interface for PC Skyrim is terrible.  It is barely more than a direct port from the console controller based systems to the superior keyboard and mouse.  With so many options available to us through magic, shouts, powers, weapons etc. you would think they would give us the ability to bind keys to them.

The moment I was in game I checked the options, then I looked in controls.  Scrolled down... saw nothing.  No Skyrim keybinds.  I shed a tear, then quickly learned that there actually are keybinds.  They just don't tell you anywhere that they exist.


1.  You can hotkey any equippable item/spell/weapon to 1-8.
2.  The item must be a favorite.  So within the inventory menus, highlight the item and make it a favorite.
3.  In game, enter your favorite menu.  Highlight the item and hit 1-8.

Congratulations, you are now keybound!

Hotkeying is pretty simple, it would have just been really nice if they told us we could do it. 

Anyways, we'll just wait for a mod to give us a clearer ui and more hotkeys.  I mean, Skyrim come on.  8?!  That's just silly.

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