Monday 14 November 2011

Most Important Skyrim Tip Ever, 1.

Most Important Skyrim Tip Ever, 1.

Ok, a lot of us have player Elder Scrolls games like Oblivion or Morrowind.  But some of us haven't.  Some of us have played PC rpgs before, and some of us haven't.  Skyrim is both an Elder Scrolls game and a PC rpg.  What does this mean?  Well, it means 1 thing.  And this thing is our first, Most Important Skyrim Tip Ever.

Save.  For the love of god save your game.

This is normally a no brainer for most people.  At least they think it is.  But this game will kick your butt, violently and without warning. 

You may not have a torch and open a chest booby trapped.  Dead.
You could be out in the wild and see a giant.  Dead.
Doing a bar brawl and accidentally punch the wrong person.  Dead.
Playing the game as a non-combat smith / bar and a dragon comes and...  Dead.

The point is, you could die at any time.  Easily, and without warning.  And you probably will.  Don't take it personally, but save the investment of your time with saves. 

A good rule of thumb is to have multiple saves before embarking on major quests, or entering dangerous dungeons. 

For PC, Skyrim has a nifty little quicksave feature.  Hit F5 and you've saved your game.  On most systems you won't even notice it saved, no lag, no menu screens.  While you're walking, F5.  Done.

How do I load?  Well you could go through the menus, but Skyrim for the PC has a better thing in mind.  quick load, F9.  Hit this sucker and it will load your last quick save.  Easy.

Get in the habit of using quick save as much as you can remember, it can make all the difference in the dangerous realm of Skyrim.  But also remember to have a hard save because if you quick save yourself in a bad situation, say mid combat with a dragon about to breathe on your 4 hp body... then you're kind of boned. 

Good luck.

Hope you're having fun playing Skyrim on the PC, and I'll bring you more Skyrim tips soon!

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