Wednesday 7 December 2011

Skyrim Secret Invisible Chest

Get ready for an awesome Skyrim secret, the super secret invisible chest.  This chest will give you access to countless weapons, armor, magic, gold, crafting materials and more.

Here's how to get to the secret invisible chest in Dawnstar.

As you can see from the video, this awesome skyrim tip gives you access to a chest with tons of free weapons and armor that you dont need to steal.  It's all yours for the taking.  Because of this, this is a really easy way to make gold in skyrim.  Simply take everything from the invisible chest and sell it to vendors.

You can make the chest respawn if you wait around 10 days, and then you can loot all the equipment, potions and armor again, and sell it to make easy gold in skyrim.  It's a win-win.

This skyrim secret is just one of tons of tips available, but this is one of my favorites.  The invisible chest actually gains levels with you, so if you loot the chest at level one or at level twenty.. you will get different items from the invisible chest.  This is awesome.  The only bad thing about the loot is that it is in Dawnstar, which is pretty far from everything.  You can spend 50 gold on the carriage to get here... don't worry you'll make the gold back easy with how easy it is to make gold in skyrim with this invisible chest!

I would like to know who found this awesome skyrim secret, tip and trick because I feel like this would almost be impossible to find.  Think about how big the world is, and someone just happened to come to this out of the way area and search for loot.  Not only that, but I wonder if Bethesda put this in the game on purpose?  That would be cool, wouldn't it?

Happy hunting!

Esbern Won't Open Door

Skyrim is an awesome game, many quests, many different things to do, almost too much, because of this there are a lot of bugs in the game that are difficult to get around.  One bug that is horrible because it affects the main game's story is the quest, A Cornered Rat.  This is bad because within the quest there is somewhere you need to go but unfortunately, Esbern won't open door.  That's right, you need to get past and speak with Esbern, but for whatever reason the door in A Cornered Rat won't open.

Luckily there is a fix to, "Esbern won't open door"

In this video will tell you exactly what you need to do to make sure that you can proceed in the quest, A Cornered Rat.  This is important because this quest is part of the main quest, given to you by Delphine- a former blade (Blades played a big part in the Elder Scrolls game Oblivion) this is not some small side quest, this NEEDS to be done in order to continue the story... and if Esbern won't open the door, you can imagine your frustration. 

What exactly is the fix to make Esbern open the door?

Well, there is a command you enter into the console which allows it to open and proceed with the quest.  You basically need to set the games quest to a certain point.  If you are on PC you also can download the audio files for Esbern's talking, since with this bug Esbern doesn't say anything, and it can be annoying to try to figure out what's happening in the story.

I believe the console command to fix the door issue is

setstage mq202 160

Typing this in the console will prevent Esbern won't open door and fix your quest issue. 

If you are still having issues with him not opening the door for a cornered rat, please let me know and I will do my best to help you through the issue.  But until then, good luck and enjoy playing the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim!  It's one of my favorite games, don't let a small bug like this hurt your opinion of the game!

Skyrim Arrow Bug, Skyrim Ice Spike

Hey guys, if you've bee playing TES V for long, then no doubt you've run into the Skyrim Arrow Bug, or the Skyrim Ice Spike bug.  These are errors that happen while playing cause the arrows or frost spells to stick around on the character for way too long.  Hours, Days, Weeks, Months... year later.. they are sticking out of you and you just can't seem to fix the issue. 

I have found a fix for the Skyrim Arrow Bug.
I have found a fix for the Skyrim Ice Spike Bug.

In this video it tells you exactly how to get rid of any sort of graphic errors.  It's pretty easy and you never need to be adventuring with the Skyrim Arrow Bug again!  When guards tell you about getting shot in the knee, you will no longer be a painful reminder with your own wound still showing at level 50 from when you got shot at level 2.

Not only does it fix arrow bugs that cause them to stay stuck in you forever, it fixes ice spikes, ice graphics, ice effects and lingering frost spells.  The 2 samples below are just 2 of the many graphical issues you can resolve in Skyrim.  Just watch the video to find out how.

I know that when I was adventuring through Skyrim I had the arrow bug happen about 5 times, and during cut scenes it drop me nuts.  I actually like the picture above of the Ice Spike bug because it looks awesome in your horse's head.  He almost looks like a unicorn bad ass.

Luckily the fix is as easy as learning to become a werewolf, learning the dragons words to the dragon shout Become Ethereal.. or just not getting hit.  But that's way to hard.  I found the best fix for the skyrim arrow bug was the dragon shout become ethereal.  You cast the shout, wait until it fades, and when it does.  No more graphics glitches.  Of course, this fix also works with any transformation based ability which is why it works with the werewolf transformation.  Quick and easy. 

I hope this information and video about how to fix Skyrim Arrow Bugs and Ice Spikes Bugs was helpful =D

Monday 21 November 2011

Skyrim, Morokei. Morokei Skyrim. You should meet.


For information on how to defeat Krosis, check out SkyrimElder! 

So you've become a fledging mage and have been sent on a quest from the mages in Skyrim to collect a magic staff from labyrinthian, eh?  You've ventured through the entire dungeon, only to find that the boss at the end hits a little harder than that bone dragon you fought earlier.

Queue, Morokie.

 This Morokei fellah can be a bit tricking to bring down.  He's armed to the core with destruction magic and enjoys using lightning spells.  Because you are probably a mage, doing a mage quest, magicka is probably very important to you.  Morokei knows this and that's why he's zapping you with lightning.

If you happen to kill Morokei in Skyrim, what do you get?

2 things of note when you finally take this pootah down.

1.  You get to collect your precious mage staff.

2.  You get to loot yet another dragon priest mask.  Named Morokei.  The Morokei helm.

Overall, Morokei is worth the time to take down.  The mask makes a good addition to the arsenal of any mage and advancing the story is what cool kids like to do.  for real.

He cannot be disarmed and he likes to move very, very slow.

Make sure to kill those ghost mages first!

bring potions and lightning resist

Monday 14 November 2011

Skyrim Console Commands

Skyrim Console Commands.

As a PC game, we are always tempted to use the 'console' to cheat.  We can input a couple numbers, a letter or 2 and boom we have a full set of Dragon Armor and infinite health points.  Console commands do just that.

But console commands are not inherently evil. They are neither good, nor evil.  That is on you, the user.  Because Skyrim console commands can do more than just add gold, or add perks, remove perks.  It can restart bugged quests, bypass invisible doors, etc.

Ever got stuck somewhere in a game, ever?  You couldn't move because somehow you were inside the floor?  A console command would have saved you.  So, here is a list of the console commands for Skyrim, courtesy of

Skyrim Console Commands.

Opening the console can be done through the tilde-key (~), it sits before the "1" key and under the ESC-key------ Codes using Toggle command:

coc qasmoke - This brings you to the testing hall with all items in the game. Be careful as opening enchanted armor and weapons cabinets may cause your game to crash.

fov x - Adjust field of view (insert fov value into )

showracemenu - Bring up character customization menu (NOTE: Your health Magicka, Stamina, and Health levels will be spread evenly on using this depending on your character's level. It will remove any point distributions that were custom)

TGM - Toggle God Mode (invincible, also removing encumbering effect and unlimited magicka and stamina)

TCL - Toggle Collision (no clipping mode; interacting possible, walk pointing up to fly into the air)

TMM (0) - Toggle Map Markers (all locations, tmm 1 turns on, tmm 0 turns off)

TFC - Toggle fly cam (removes the body and set the camera free, you will not be able to interract)

TAI - Toggle Artificial Intelligence (freezes npc, they can't walk, move, or anything.)

TCAI- Toggle Combat Artificial Intelligence (same as TAI; however only makes the NPC not being able to combat)

TDetect- Toggle AI Detection (You can steal all you want and no one will see you, doesn't work with pickpocketing)

Codes using player target command:

player.addperk ID# ( 000581e7 for Augmented Flames level 1 ; "player.addperk 000581e7")

(To find the perk id type 'help "perk name" 4', then add each level in order). Make sure to put double quotes around perks with a space in them.

player.addspell ID# ( 0007e8e1 for Raise Zombie : "player.addspell 0007e8e1")

player.additem ID# (F # for gold, A # for lockpick ; "player.additem F 100" adds 100 gold for example)

player.setcrimegold XXX - Set it high if you want to fight, set it at 0 if you want to be free.

player.setlevel X - Make X equal your desired character level.

player.setav speedmult X - Where X equals your movement speed in a percentage value. (100 = 100%)

player.setav skill X - Sets skill without messing with level gains. The skill name can be found from the skill list, and X equals the value you want that skill to be. This also works for health, stamina, magicka, and carryweight. Example: [player.setav marksman 50] sets your archery to 50.

player.modav skill X - Buffs or debuffs a skill. The skill name can be found from the skill list, and X equals the value you want that skill to be. Example: If your Block skill is 30, you can "player.modav block 10", activating a buff to your Block and setting it to 40 (with the skill level appearing green as if a spell or item is affecting the skill). The same can be done in reversing by using a negative integer. Using "player.modav block -10" would activate a permanent debuff to your Block and set it to 10 (with the skill level appearing in red).

Other helpful codes:

movetoqt- teleports you to quest target (currently not working for me, but is recognised by console) (will only work on quests with target markers, Bethesda quests; will not work on side quests with the new variable target locations.)

AdvSkill- Give the player the desired amount of skill usage points [AdvSkill onehanded 100] (after some testing the number placed at the end of the command would indicate usage points, not skill points, for example: if you used advskill onehanded 100, it would be the equivalent of 100 swings of a one handed sword, not 100 skill points.) - Skill List

IncPCS- Increase the players skill points by one point [IncSkill onehanded] - Skill List

player.modav carryweight ##- Adds amount to weight limit (Can also use health or magicka or stamina instead of carryweight to increase those totals.)

PSB - Adds every spell

qqq- quits the game without exiting to the main menu.

unlock - Target the desired chest or door by clicking on it and then type "unlock"

lock XXX - You can lock chests and door, or people by targeting them and typing "lock" followed by the level of difficulty you wish to set it at.

kill - Target your enemy by clicking on them once in the console menu and type "kill" and it does just that.

killall - Kills all hostiles in your immediate vicinity

resurrect - Killed someone you didn't mean to? Target them once in the console menu and type "resurrect" and it will bring them back from the grave.

removeallitems - Target the desired character from the console menu and then type "removeallitems" and they will be stripped of everything in their inventory, including their clothes.

player.forceav dragonsouls # - Adds the specified # of Dragon Souls.

psb - Unlocks all spells in-game and unlocks all shouts.

caqs - Complete all Quest Stages

(Click on a door, or chest, then type) Unlock - Unlocks locked things.

advlevel - Force a Level Up

Hope these help you out, I know a lot of them will help me out.  And when I finish the storyline, I will make my enemies tremble in fear with my ungodly power!!  Muahahaha

Skyrim for life.
Skyrim PC Console Commands for life-er.

Most Important Skyrim Tip Ever, 1.

Most Important Skyrim Tip Ever, 1.

Ok, a lot of us have player Elder Scrolls games like Oblivion or Morrowind.  But some of us haven't.  Some of us have played PC rpgs before, and some of us haven't.  Skyrim is both an Elder Scrolls game and a PC rpg.  What does this mean?  Well, it means 1 thing.  And this thing is our first, Most Important Skyrim Tip Ever.

Save.  For the love of god save your game.

This is normally a no brainer for most people.  At least they think it is.  But this game will kick your butt, violently and without warning. 

You may not have a torch and open a chest booby trapped.  Dead.
You could be out in the wild and see a giant.  Dead.
Doing a bar brawl and accidentally punch the wrong person.  Dead.
Playing the game as a non-combat smith / bar and a dragon comes and...  Dead.

The point is, you could die at any time.  Easily, and without warning.  And you probably will.  Don't take it personally, but save the investment of your time with saves. 

A good rule of thumb is to have multiple saves before embarking on major quests, or entering dangerous dungeons. 

For PC, Skyrim has a nifty little quicksave feature.  Hit F5 and you've saved your game.  On most systems you won't even notice it saved, no lag, no menu screens.  While you're walking, F5.  Done.

How do I load?  Well you could go through the menus, but Skyrim for the PC has a better thing in mind.  quick load, F9.  Hit this sucker and it will load your last quick save.  Easy.

Get in the habit of using quick save as much as you can remember, it can make all the difference in the dangerous realm of Skyrim.  But also remember to have a hard save because if you quick save yourself in a bad situation, say mid combat with a dragon about to breathe on your 4 hp body... then you're kind of boned. 

Good luck.

Hope you're having fun playing Skyrim on the PC, and I'll bring you more Skyrim tips soon!

Sunday 13 November 2011

Skyrim Keybinds. Yes, Skyrim does infact have keybinds.

Skyrim Keybinds.

The interface for PC Skyrim is terrible.  It is barely more than a direct port from the console controller based systems to the superior keyboard and mouse.  With so many options available to us through magic, shouts, powers, weapons etc. you would think they would give us the ability to bind keys to them.

The moment I was in game I checked the options, then I looked in controls.  Scrolled down... saw nothing.  No Skyrim keybinds.  I shed a tear, then quickly learned that there actually are keybinds.  They just don't tell you anywhere that they exist.


1.  You can hotkey any equippable item/spell/weapon to 1-8.
2.  The item must be a favorite.  So within the inventory menus, highlight the item and make it a favorite.
3.  In game, enter your favorite menu.  Highlight the item and hit 1-8.

Congratulations, you are now keybound!

Hotkeying is pretty simple, it would have just been really nice if they told us we could do it. 

Anyways, we'll just wait for a mod to give us a clearer ui and more hotkeys.  I mean, Skyrim come on.  8?!  That's just silly.